A possible war? a view on religious nationalism and secularity
religious nationalism will challenge the dominant secular ideology that now rules nation-state.
The battle today cannot be fought on a regional level without taking into account the global hostility. The conflict is now in the stage of the global battle. This proclamation by Ayman al-Zawahiri, the second in command to Osama Bin Laden in Al-Qaeda, is a forceful reminder of the development of powerful movements of transnational contention in the contemporary world. The globalization of jihad in the visions and activities of militant Muslim extremists is one part of the broader trends in the development of new transnational activism in recent decades (Voll,2008)
secularism has not always been about just political issues but also an issue of personality (juergensmeyer, 1994). The global rise of religious politics is found in every religious tradition, spurred on by the widespread perception that secular nationalism is an ineffective and insufficient expression of public values and moral community in a global era. The intersection of religious nationalism and secular ideology can have significant impacts on human settlement and society.
Here are some key points to consider:
1. Identity and Belonging:
In nations where, religious nationalism is on the rise, the emphasis on religious identity can challenge the secular notion of citizenship based on shared values and civic participation. This shift may marginalize religious and ethnic minorities, leading to social tensions, discrimination, and, in extreme cases, displacement.
2. Political Landscape:
Religious nationalism can influence political agendas and policies, shaping laws and regulations based on religious principles. This may impact the rights and freedoms of certain groups, affecting their settlement patterns. Minorities may find it challenging to secure adequate representation in political and administrative structures, potentially affecting resource allocation and urban planning in their settlements.
3. Social Cohesion and Conflict:
Within a religiously diverse nation, the rise of religious nationalism might lead to tensions between different sects or denominations within the dominant religion, impacting community cohesion. Increased religious identity can fuel conflicts between different religious groups, potentially disrupting settlements and causing displacement.
4. Urban Planning and Infrastructure:
The dominance of a particular religion may influence urban aesthetics, with religious symbols and architecture playing a more prominent role in city planning. There may be tendencies to create segregated settlements based on religious identity, impacting the social fabric and diversity of urban areas.
5. Economic Impacts:
Economic policies may be influenced by religious considerations, affecting the distribution of resources and development projects across different regions. Religious considerations might impact job opportunities and mobility, leading to uneven economic development and settlement patterns.
6. Global Implications:
Religious nationalism can influence a nation's foreign policy, impacting diplomatic relations with other countries. This can have indirect effects on settlement patterns through changes in migration patterns and global economic ties.
7. Human Rights and Freedoms:
The dominance of religious nationalism may lead to the curtailment of human rights and freedoms, particularly for minority groups, influencing their settlement choices.
8. Social Services and Education
The education system may be affected, with curricula and educational policies reflecting the dominant religious ideology. This can impact the social values imparted to the younger generation and influence settlement choices based on the availability of religiously oriented educational institutions.
Vol, J.O. 2008. Trans-state Muslim Movements and Militant Extremists in an Era of Soft Power. Oxford press, 253-273
Juergensmeyer, M. 2003. The New Religious State. Routledge, 1-13